FREE Masterclass in Befriending Good Practice

Volunteer Management, Project Management

Start date


End date



Befriending Networks are providing a series of FREE events around England over the next three years. Both established and new befriending projects are invited to attend. A special thanks to Her Majesty’s Government (HMG) and the Big Lottery who have funded these events through their Building Connections Fund.

This Spring, there are three events across England available. Join us for a full day’s masterclass in Good Practice for Befriending.

Who should attend?

Anyone involved with commissioning, delivering or supporting a befriending service or thinking of setting up a new project.

What will be included?

  • An overview of the services which Befriending Networks currently provide and how to access them
  • An opportunity to network with other organisations and services
  • Discussion of common barriers to setting up and running a befriending service, and how to overcome them
  • Interactive workshops
  • Free refreshments and lunch

If you have any questions, please email [email protected] / [email protected] or call 0131 261 8799