The Role of the Charity Secretary

Management, Governance

Start date


End date



A one-day introduction to the unique responsibilities of the charity secretary.

Charity secretaries serve a critical role – but it is easy for newcomers to feel overwhelmed. Trustees. Regulators. Beneficiaries. Each generates their own needs and requirements.

But you are not alone. Kirsty Semple is a Chartered Secretary who has worked with charities for more than ten years. Start on the right foot (or refresh your knowledge) with this concise, practical course.

What you get

By the end of the day you will have:

  • The confidence to undertake the core duties of the charity secretary
  • Insight into the relationship with trustees, regulators and beneficiaries
  • A concise overview of the Charities Act 2006, the Companies Act 2006 and the legal requirements of public benefit
  • Advice on practical skills like meetings and decision making (see Full Programme)

You will also receive:

  • A Delegate Pack containing notes and presentation slides
  • An ICSA Certificate to show you have attended the course
  • 6 months complimentary professional subscription of ICSA (see below)
  • 6 hours credit towards your Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Your complimentary 6-month Professional Subscription

We support our attendees long after they complete the course. Your professional subscription includes a subscription to G+C Magazine, as well as access to briefings, discounts and our knowledge base.

View the full programme on the course site.