Diploma in Human Rights

Human Rights


Human rights are basic freedoms and entitlements that every person should have, no matter where they're from or who they are. These rights, rooted in the principles of dignity, equality, and justice, are crucial for maintaining peace, democracy, and global development.
If you are passionate about human rights and want to learn more about their history, evolution, and protection, then this Human Rights Diploma course is perfect for you. This course will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the concept, classification, and scope of human rights, as well as the challenges and opportunities for their promotion and protection.
We'll also delve into the specific rights of vulnerable groups like women and children. You'll explore aspects of freedom like expression, association, assembly, and movement. The course will also introduce you to international human rights organisations like the United Nations, the European Court of Human Rights, and Amnesty International.
Don't miss this opportunity to enrol in this Human Rights Diploma course today and start your journey towards becoming a human rights defender.

What you will learn

  • Learn the basic concept of freedom and human rights and their historical development
  • Gain knowledge of the different types of human rights and their legal frameworks
  • Understand the challenges and issues faced by women and children in relation to human rights
  • Acquire skills to analyse and evaluate various aspects of freedom and their implications for human rights
  • Learn about the roles and functions of various international human rights organisations and how to engage with them

What you require

  • This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds.
  • Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification.
  • Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course.