Advanced Monitoring and Evaluation

Project Management, International Development

Start date


End date



This course builds on participants’ understanding and skills of how to develop sustainable and cost effective monitoring and evaluation processes and practices within their own projects, programmes and organisations.

It is also relevant for those trying to improve and enhance current monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems, or supporting partners to develop and implement effective M&E. The course provides an overview of all aspects of M&E from planning to M&E and impact assessment, with a focus on ensuring that M&E contributes towards improving organisational learning and accountability.

What you will learn

By the end of the training participants will:

  • Have developed a deeper understanding of the characteristics of effective M&E and M&E systems
  • Have reviewed approaches to planning for M&E, including Theory of Change, and explored some of the challenges with these
  • Be able to select and use appropriate data collection methods and tools effectively and explored debates around newer qualitative and participatory approaches
  • Have considered principles and steps in data analysis and the issue of quality of evidence
  • Have explored ways to address issues around impact assessment and the M&E of outcomes and impact
  • Have considered their own role in bringing about improved M&E within their projects, programmes and organisations.

What you require

The cost of this course is £1360 non-residential (includes training materials, lunch and refreshments) and £1770 residential (covers accommodation, materials, lunch and refreshments).

Individual coaching is offered to course participants at a discounted rate of £50 per 50-minute session.

Please apply before Friday 20 September 2019. Kindly note that applications are assessed on a rolling basis. We reserve the right to close the enrolment before the deadline in case the course is oversubscribed. Apply early to avoid disappointment!



Oxford, UK, $South East, OX2 0ES

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