Building Your Brand

Marketing, Marketing

Start date


End date



Learn about how to build your brand so potential customers are made aware of you. This workshop will teach you about logos, colours, domains, newsletters, creating flyers and having a professional website.

5 Things You'll Learn:

  1. Making your potential customers aware of you at little or no cost
  2. What your website needs
  3. Work out what impression you'd like to make
  4. Succeed at building your mailing list
  5. Colours, logos & design 

Fully-funded for those looking to start/grow their busines and based in Sandwell, Wolverhampton, Walsall or Dudley as part of the RAISE programme.

The RAISE programme offers 12 hours of flexible support via workshops and business advice. To confirm you are elible for this and the RAISE programme, email: [email protected]