Child Protection in Emergencies Training

Project Management, Project Management

Start date


End date



Children, unlike adults, are affected uniquely by conflicts and emergencies, however; they could facilitate a quick and lasting recovery of the community. Children find themselves in vulnerable situations during emergencies and bear the greatest brunt of disasters because of their vulnerability. As such, these children are exposed to displacement, separation, discrimination, forced labor, sexual and economic exploitation, trafficking and conflicts.  Child protection measures have to be undertaken from the onset of an emergency to ensure their wellbeing is guarded. To achieve this, professionals working with children have a duty to prevent violence and abuse and to enable children to access protection services through government and community systems.

This training focus is on how children in an emergency setting can be protected besides receiving the standard humanitarian package of food, water, shelter, medicines, and sanitation. Further to the physical needs that children receive, they need psychosocial assistance


5 days


The individual cost for the training workshop is USD 800 for individual participants and USD 700 for groups above 10 participants exclusive of 16% VAT. This covers the training fee, resource materials, and conference package. Participants will be responsible for their own travel expenses and arrangements, such as airport transfers (and visa application, where necessary), food and accommodation, health/accident insurance, and other personal expenses.

Intended Attendees

The target groups are humanitarian and development professionals, social workers, and teachers responsible for the child protection and education of children during conflict and emergencies.


This course aims to broaden and deepen understanding of child protection professionals on safeguarding child and risk factors that predispose children to vulnerability.


At the end of this training you will be able to:

  • Expand knowledge on principles and approaches to child protection programming
  • Monitor and report grave violations and serious protection concerns for children
  • Design child protection systems and strengthen children’s resilience in emergencies
  • Identify and practice standards to address child protection needs, quality child protection
  • response and standards to mainstream child protection in other humanitarian sectors

Detailed Course Description

For detailed course description and content writer us an email to [email protected]

Entry requirements

This course has beginners and advanced modules and SDSL will advise individuals appropriately after reviewing their applications.


To register, please download the application form below and submit to [email protected]

Training topics can be requested by writing to [email protected]

Post-training mentorship

All graduates of SDS are provided with dedicated coaches to accompany them after completion of the training including receiving recent and relevant journals, research and benchmarking practices on topical issues in respective disciplines.