Designated Safeguarding Lead

Education, Social Care/Development

Start date


End date



Who should attend this course?

If you are a Room Manager, Senior, Assistant or Nursery Manager and have Designated Safeguarding roles and responsibilities then this course is for you.

What will I learn?

This course will identify what makes an effective Designated Safeguarding Leader (DSL). You will reflect on past Serious Case Reviews and how these have influenced changes. You will identify how to support your team, family and children through difficult referrals. You will learn how to challenge practice, ensuring the best outcomes for children.

Key Topics:
· Discussion surrounding DSL roles and responsibilities
· Historical & legal background to Safeguarding in England
· Contemporary safeguarding issues & practices including the Prevent Duty & FGM
· Referral to Local Authorities
· Vulnerabilities to abuse
· Multi Agency working – including case study analysis
· Safeguarding paperwork


£45 inc VAT