Health and Safety in a Construction Environment Online

Housing and Homelessness, Human Resources


The course is designed for those working or wanting to work on construction sites and is a requirement for those wishing to apply for a CSCS Green Card. It can also be used as part of a company induction process or as a refresher course.

This course is aimed at people starting out in the construction industry  and wishing to apply for the Construction Skills Certificate Scheme (CSCS) Labourer Card.

Note: This is a video course with a high-quality combination of up to date content, animation and presentation which contributes to a better retention of knowledge, whilst keep you interested and engaged. Please keep this in mind when you compare with other online courses in the market.  

Please use the promotional code: CHARITY to obtain a discounted price.

What you will learn

The course content includes an introduction to the legal aspects of health and safety before covering the basics of risk assessment and safe working practices. It then goes into detail to cover the most common hazards encountered in construction environments from Working at Height and Respiratory Hazards to electrical and chemical hazards.



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