Health & Safety in Care

Care Management, Training


Health & Safety in Care course equips participants with essential knowledge tailored for care settings. Across six comprehensive modules, learners explore foundational legislation, stress management, fire safety, handling and moving protocols, and regulatory compliance.

Health & Safety in Care course consists of 6 modules that cover the following topics:

  • Module 01: Foundational Legislation & Policies:
    Delve into the foundational aspects of health and safety legislation and policies, setting the stage for understanding legal requirements and organisational responsibilities in care settings.
  • Module 02: Safety, Security & Stress Management:
    Learn about creating a secure environment while effectively managing potential stressors that can impact both staff and patients.
  • Module 03: Fire Safety:
    Comprehensively cover fire safety, including prevention methods and response strategies to minimise risks associated with fires.
  • Module 04: Fire Safety Legislation:
    Explore specific legal requirements that care facilities must adhere to in order to maintain compliance and ensure safety regarding fire safety.
  • Module 05: Handling And Moving:
    Understand best practices for safely assisting patients with mobility while safeguarding care workers from injury.
  • Module 06: LOLER & RIDDOR:
    Gain insights into Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) and Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR), crucial for maintaining safety standards when dealing with lifting equipment and reporting incidents.

Upon completion of these modules, participants will receive a Certificate and Transcript, validating their understanding and commitment to health and safety in care settings.

Enrol now and embark on your journey to ensure safety and wellbeing in care environments.

What you will learn

  • Foundational legislation, stress management, and fire safety protocols
  • Creating secure environments and effectively managing stressors
  • Fire prevention methods, response strategies, and legal compliance
  • Safe patient handling, mobility assistance, and injury prevention techniques
  • Understanding LOLER, RIDDOR, and regulatory standards
  • Preventing incidents and ensuring safety within care environments

What you require

  • This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds.
  • Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification.
  • Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course.