
Organisation type Registered Charity Company size 501 - 1000
Website address Facebook link X (Twitter) link

About us

Who we are

Tearfund is a Christian charity with over 50 years of experience in international development. We believe that poverty is not God’s plan, and an end to extreme poverty is possible.

We work directly, and/or alongside local partners and churches, in underserved communities in more than 50 countries to tackle complex poverty in three main ways:

  • Humanitarian response
    We respond quickly to disasters and conflicts, supporting those in greatest need throughout the recovery process.
  • Community development
    We partner with local churches and organisations, mobilising resources and empowering communities to lift themselves out of poverty.
  • Advocacy and influencing
    We help individuals and churches speak out on issues of poverty and injustice, and we challenge unjust policies and practices at a local, national and global level.


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