Better Giving Partnership

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About us

Who we are


Only a quarter of people in the UK regularly give money to charity. We're on a mission to change that. 

The Better Giving Partnership is a registered charity founded in 2015 by a group of friends in Leeds and run entirely by volunteers.

We are developing innovative services that let you support the causes that matter to you, and discover new ones along the way. You also stay in control of how your personal information is used. We help people to give in a way that works for them. 

We support charities by spreading the word about them to a new and engaged audience, by attracting new donors and by managing their Gift Aid claims.

We are the charity behind Givto, an exciting new online donations service that lets people give to a different charity each month with one simple Direct Debit.

We have helped more than 90 charities already and they tell us that Givto is making a difference, enabling them to reach people who wouldn't have heard of them otherwise. That's because no matter how big or small, or what cause they support, they all get a platform with Givto.


Our small team of talented volunteers come from a wide range of backgrounds. We work together to research and develop new services that will transform the way people give money to charity. There are so many good charities out there. Finding and deciding which ones to give to can be tricky. Our aim is to make it as easy as possible to discover and donate to the causes you care about, from big national charities, to smaller charities working in your local community.

How it works? Well Givto is simple. Each month we introduce you to three charities. You simply choose the one you want your money to go to and we do the rest. We’ll even sort out the Gift Aid so your chosen charity doesn’t have to. It’s a bit like a digital version of the charity token schemes you get in some supermarkets. 


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