Cancer Research UK

Company size Size: 501 - 1000

About us

Who we are

No time to volunteer? Think again! a small amount of time makes the biggest of differences to us. You could be creating displays, Steaming and sorting donations, serving customers or fundraising. Plus you’re going to be gaining valuable retails skills, meeting new people and increasing your confidence while helping to cure cancer.

Cancer Research UK has always been a volunteer-led organisation, right from our board of trustees to our wonderful shop volunteers. The money raised through our shops last year was over £80 million, which is a testament to the hard work and talent of our shop teams, but we need to recognise the huge potential that still exists to grow our income. In particular, if we can attract more people into our shops and increase customer spend by maximising the appeal of our offer to local shoppers, we will be well on the way to achieving our targets. But we can only do this with the help of our talented and passionate volunteers.


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