How to Prepare for AI and Skills-Based Recruitment

How to Prepare for AI and Skills-Based Recruitment

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way organisations hire new talent. By automating tasks and making it easier for them to take bulk actions, it can speed up the recruitment process. And it plays a key role in the development of skills-based hiring.

So what does the rise of AI in recruitment mean for your job search? Here we look at some of its effects and what you can do to stay on top of it.


What does AI mean for job candidates?

AI has implications for every stage of the recruitment process. It can be used for everything from sourcing and screening candidates to cognitive and personality testing. Some employers are even using AI tools at interview stage to analyse things like tone of voice and body language.

Some of these developments may take time to get used to, but they don’t have to be daunting. The adoption of AI in recruitment can benefit you as a candidate. It can improve your experience by creating a more engaging journey―and by:

  • increasing efficiency in the recruitment process. It means you’re not waiting too long for a response from the employer. This can ease your own decision-making process if you’ve applied for several jobs.
  • reducing employers’ unconscious bias. ‘Blind hiring’ tools can hide characteristics like gender, age and ethnicity from your application so that recruiters don’t see them. This means a more level playing field when you’re applying for jobs.
  • giving personalised, actionable feedback. Metrics can offer valuable insight into your performance and give you the pointers you might need to make improvements in the future.

But of course, the increasing use of AI in recruitment means additional things to consider when you apply for jobs. It has implications for your online privacy, for example. And you’ll need to make sure you’re showcasing yourself in an effective, AI-friendly way.

What is skills-based hiring and how is AI related to it?

Skills-based recruitment focuses on your skills rather than education, qualifications and experience. It helps employers decide how well you’d fit the role and its responsibilities, and whether you’re likely to stay.

AI is increasingly fundamental to skills-based hiring. Algorithms can quickly extract crucial skills information from job applications. So employers can easily match candidates and rapidly move to the next stage of recruitment.

Skills-based hiring can help widen the talent pool. It opens up job opportunities for people who could previously have been overlooked. For example, the high cost of going to university means that you may not have the ‘traditional’ qualifications or academic background that many employers once prioritised.


How can you prepare for AI and skills-based hiring?


The increased focus on skills means that improving your skill set increases the chances of landing your ideal role. For example, you might need to improve your digital knowledge or your analytical capabilities if that’s what a job demands. Soft skills, such as communication and collaboration, are also important to consider when upskilling.

Write a skills-based CV

To write an effective skills-based CV you’ll need to prioritise your skills over qualifications or experience and elaborate a little on how you’ve developed them.

Tailor your job applications

Matching your skills to those required by employers is crucial. Think about skills as keywords in your job applications and use them strategically, without cramming them in.

Tweak your interview preparation

The recruiter should tell you in advance of the interview if they’ll be using AI, so you can prepare accordingly. Just as with your application, it’s especially important to get keywords into your answers at interview if AI is involved. And don’t forget to be mindful of your non-verbal cues.

Check your online profiles

Potential employers may use AI to scan your social media accounts. So it’s a good idea to check what’s visible on your online profiles before making an application. Red flags that could negatively affect an application include derogatory comments about a former employer and poor spelling or grammar.

The changing face of recruitment

AI is changing the face of recruitment, with more and more employers incorporating advanced technologies into the hiring process. But by taking a few pre-emptive steps before applying for jobs you can prepare yourself for this new world of recruitment, stand head and shoulders above your competitors and land that dream job.

Take a look at the latest roles available on CharityJob today.

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