Overseas Administrator Volunteer Volunteer Roles in Edinburgh
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Could you lead the local SSAFA services in your area? You don’t need a military background for this role, but you should be empathic to the needs of the armed forces community, have some experience of managing people and possess good I.T. skills. If this sounds like you, we’d love to hear from you.
What is a Branch Chair?
There are SSAFA branches throughout the UK and overseas. Many are further divided into local areas called divisions. Each branch has a Chair to oversee all aspects of the branch. Ultimately accountable to the Chair of the Board of Trustees, through the National Chairman your role is to ensure that the branch is running in line with SSAFA’s Royal Charter Rules, Regulations, and policies. Also, to ensure that clients and volunteers are safe, all services provided are appropriate and effective and that the branch is financially sound. You will be the public face of SSAFA in your branch area.
Why do we need you?
We’ve been supporting the Armed Forces community since 1885. Our clients come from all backgrounds and age groups and may have served in WW2 or in a more recent conflict like the Falklands or Afghanistan. More people than ever are contacting SSAFA for financial, practical and emotional support. To do this we need local branches and volunteers who can coordinate people, ensure the local population know about SSAFA and keep things running smoothly behind the scenes.
Our branches support local volunteers to deliver services to veterans, serving personnel and their families. Some branches are divided into smaller divisions to ensure the best local service delivery. Each branch has a team of volunteer caseworkers, support volunteers, executive roles, and fundraisers.
When would you be needed and where would you be based?
This role is about leadership, coordination, and administration. As part of your local branch, you might have access to an office, but many volunteers are based at home. The role requires an ongoing time commitment, usually about 2-3 days per month. In addition, you would need to organise and attend regular meetings throughout the year.
What would you be doing?
- Providing leadership to the Branch and ensuring that all activities comply with SSAFA regulations both directly, and through the Branch Secretary, other Branch Officers, and Divisional Officers.
- Providing support and guidance to volunteers in office holder roles, and support with recruitment of volunteers into these positions to ensure the sustainability of the branch.
- Ensuring the financial integrity of the Branch, including the appointment of Treasurers and a local fundraising programme to meet branch running costs.
- Ensuring that all data is processed and held in accordance with SSAFA’s data management policies.
- Monitoring volunteer numbers against the demand for support and working with other volunteers, regional and central office staff to attract and recruit new volunteers as required.
- Ensuring that all volunteers are recruited, inducted, supported, and managed in line with SSAFA policies, such as the Volunteering Policy, Volunteer Code of Conduct, Data Protection Policy, and Safeguarding Policy.
- Building relationships with regional and central office staff, local voluntary organisations and, if applicable, SSAFA Service committees, local military establishments, prisons etc.
- Overseeing an appropriate programme of awareness raising so that potential clients, volunteers, and supporters know how to contact the branch.
- Providing timely reports and information to SSAFA’s Central Office
- Overseeing a programme of meetings including an AGM, branch meetings, committee meetings, training etc.
- Supporting any salaried branch staff and ensuring that their line management arrangements are working appropriately.
- Resolve any complaints that are suitable for local resolution in accordance with SSAFA’s Complaints Policy and procedures, referring upwards any that are not suitable for local resolution.
The remit of this role may change over the next 12-18 months depending on the outcome of a trial currently being undertaken.
What could you gain from this volunteering role?
- Gain experience of holding a key local role with oversight of all SSAFA activity in the local area
- Use your skills, knowledge, and life experience to benefit others.
- Support from your local SSAFA branch and the wider SSAFA community
- Experience, training, and skills that you can highlight on your CV and in job interviews.
- Better physical and mental health – studies show that volunteers live longer and experience lower levels of stress and depression!
What training and support would you receive?
- Role specific training to prepare you for your voluntary role – caseworker training, caseworker IT system training, volunteer management – attracting, recruiting, and inducting volunteers.
- Mandatory on-line training modules to complete at home, so you are up to date on how to keep clients, their families safe and personal information safe.
- Local orientation as well as meet and greet sessions with key Central Office and regional teams.
- Access to a range additional e-learning courses as well as local opportunities for your personal and professional development.
- Support from Regional and central staff and peer support from fellow Chairs in neighbouring branches.
- Reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses
- Volunteers will be covered by SSAFAs Public Liability Insurance whilst carrying out the role.
What are we looking for?
- Friendly and approachable people of any age (18+) with some experience of coordinating people and admin
- Willingness and ability to lead and manage a team of volunteers.
- Respectful and non-judgemental approach with beneficiaries, their family, other agencies and SSAFA colleagues
- Willingness and ability to learn basic digital skills. Ability to send and receive emails – you will receive your own SSAFA email address which you will be required to use when exercising your role.
- Willingness to use our on-line case management system (this is covered in the training course)
- Ability to understand and keep within the boundaries of the role for which training will be given.
- Reliability
- Practice confidentiality and data protection in line with SSAFA policies.
- Willingness and means to travel to meetings or events as required.
- Good written and spoken English.
We welcome volunteers of all backgrounds, abilities, races, sexual orientations, socio-economic backgrounds, and of all faiths and none. SSAFA are committed to making reasonable adjustments to support volunteers with disabilities, so they have access to the same opportunities and experiences as volunteers who do not.
Minimum Age: 18
Safer Recruitment: SSAFA undertakes a systematic approach and utmost care at every step of the process of volunteer recruitment, selection, and retention to ensure that those recruited are suitable and appropriate. Measures taken at points along this journey work together to make volunteering at SSAFA a positive and safe experience.
References Required: Yes. We will ask for two character references, this can be a former employer or someone that know you well (other than a relative)
Is a criminal record check required? No
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Would you like to support people who have served in the Armed Forces? You don’t need a military background, just some spare time occasionally, and an ability to get on with people from diverse backgrounds and age groups. If so, this could be the role for you.
What is a Helper?
SSAFA Helpers provide support to local SSAFA branches, so that the service to veterans and their families can run smoothly. Perhaps you could help out at an event, take care of some office admin, or give a talk about SSAFA?
Why do we need you?
We’ve been supporting the Armed Forces community since 1885. Our clients come from all backgrounds and age groups and may have served in WW2 or in a more recent conflict like the Falklands or Afghanistan.
There are SSAFA branches throughout the UK and overseas who support local volunteers to deliver services to veterans, serving personnel and their families. Some branches are divided into smaller divisions to ensure the best local service delivery. Each branch has a team of volunteer caseworkers, support volunteers, executive roles, and fundraisers.
We have peak times throughout the year when we need extra volunteers. Whether you enjoy organising behind the scenes or being out meeting the public, we need people who can offer some time on a flexible basis.
When would you be needed and where would you be based?
This role will suit you if you are looking to volunteer on a flexible basis as and when you are available, and we need extra help. You may be based in an office, at home, or out and about at events.
What would you be doing?
- Helping at public events by staffing stalls, stewarding etc
- Helping to distribute Christmas hampers to clients.
- Giving talks about SSAFA to schools and local groups
- Helping with office tasks like stuffing envelopes, ordering marketing materials
The remit of this role may change over the next 12-18 months depending on the outcome of a trial currently being undertaken.
What could you gain from this volunteering role?
- Support people in your community with a military background
- Support and friendship from your local SSAFA branch and the wider SSAFA community
- Experience that you can highlight on your CV and in job interviews.
- Better physical and mental health – studies show that volunteers live longer and experience lower levels of stress and depression!
What training and support would you receive?
- Mandatory on-line training modules to complete at home, so you are up to date on how to keep clients, their families safe and personal information safe.
- Local induction
- Reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses
- Volunteers will be covered by SSAFAs Public Liability Insurance whilst carrying out the role.
What are we looking for?
- Friendly and approachable people with a cheerful attitude
- Good spoken English
- Ability to represent SSAFA and its values to potential clients, their families, other agencies, potential volunteers and potential funders.
- Ability to keep within the boundaries of the role with regards to safeguarding, giving advice etc.
- Reliable attitude, keep appointments, update the branch regarding your availability.
- Ability to maintain confidentiality and keep information safely.
- Access to transport if needed for your role.
We welcome volunteers of all backgrounds, abilities, races, sexual orientations, socio-economic backgrounds, and faiths and none. SSAFA are committed to making reasonable adjustments to support volunteers with disabilities to have access to the same opportunities and experiences as volunteers who do not.
Minimum Age: 18
Safer Recruitment: SSAFA undertakes a systematic approach and utmost care at every step of the process of volunteer recruitment, selection, and retention to ensure that those recruited are suitable and appropriate. Measures taken at points along this journey work together to make volunteering at SSAFA a positive and safe experience.
References Required: Yes. We will ask for two character references, this can be a former employer or someone that know you well (other than a relative)
Is a criminal record check required? No
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Would you like to support people who have served in the Armed Forces? You just need the ability to listen, strong IT skills and good written and spoken English. If you think this could be the role for you, we’d love to hear from you.
What is a Caseworker?
Caseworkers visit clients to work out what type of support they need. You will listen without judgement to assess and provide tailored support to help those serving, who have served and their families to navigate life in and beyond military service. Some examples of support are securing funding for special equipment for someone with a disability, adaptions to a property so an older client can remain at home or funds for a rental deposit. Caseworkers also sign-post clients onto specialist local services for advice on benefits, housing, mental health, debt, finding work etc.
Why do we need you?
We’ve been supporting the Armed Forces community since 1885. Our clients come from all backgrounds and age groups and may have served in WW2 or in a more recent conflict like the Falklands or Afghanistan. We’d love the general public to understand what we do and how they can help us.
There are SSAFA branches throughout the UK and overseas who support local volunteers to deliver services to veterans, serving personnel and their families. Some branches are divided into smaller divisions to ensure the best local service delivery. Each branch has a team of volunteer caseworkers, support volunteers, executive roles, and fundraisers.
Volunteer Caseworkers are the lifeblood of SSAFA, supporting a growing number of people in need of financial, practical, and emotional support. Clients come from all backgrounds and age groups and may have served in WW2 or in a more recent conflict like Iraq or Afghanistan.
When would you be needed and where would you be based?
The essential part of the role is visiting clients, so you will need access to a vehicle or another way to travel to meet clients at home or in a care home setting. As part of your local branch, you might have access to an office, but you can complete the administration part of the role from home as long as you have access to IT equipment and the internet.
What would you be doing?
- Contacting beneficiaries and arranging to meet them at a mutually convenient time.
- Meeting beneficiaries and completing a form to assess their circumstances, using good communication skills, empathy and understanding.
- Sign-posting clients onto local services providing specialist advice.
- Applying for funding on the behalf of the beneficiary through a specific process and system
- Arranging for the purchase of goods and services
- Keeping the beneficiary informed of their case progress.
- Liaise with the branch and regional office, regarding your availability.
- Keeping up to date with training and SSAFA news so that you are best able to support clients.
- Being a positive ambassador for SSAFA remembering that anyone you meet could be a potential client, volunteer, or fundraiser.
- Volunteering within the standards and values of SSAFA
- Adhering to SSAFAs policies and procedures at all times, including safeguarding, volunteering policy, equality, diversity and inclusion, health and safety, data protection and confidentiality.
What can you gain from this volunteering role?
- Use your skills, knowledge, and life experience to benefit others.
- Support from your local SSAFA branch and the wider SSAFA community
- Experience, training, and skills that you can highlight on your CV and in job interviews.
- Better physical and mental health – studies show that volunteers live longer and experience lower levels of stress and depression!
What training and support would you receive?
- Role specific training to prepare you for your voluntary role – confidentiality and boundaries, personal safety, caseworker training, and caseworker IT system training. The caseworker training takes 3 days and a further half a day for the other training.
- Mandatory on-line training modules to complete at home, so you are up to date on how to keep clients, their families safe and personal information safe.
- Access to a range additional e-learning courses as well as local opportunities for your personal and professional development.
- Local induction including assigning a person from the team who will be your main point of contact.
- Regular opportunities to meet and share best practice with other caseworkers.
- Range of support from central and regional volunteer operations team.
- Reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses
- Volunteers will be covered by SSAFAs Public Liability Insurance whilst carrying out the role.
What are we looking for?
- Friendly and approachable with good listening skills, patience, and a positive attitude.
- Good communication skills both written and verbally.
- Respectful and non-judgemental approach with beneficiaries, their family, other agencies and SSAFA colleagues
- Willingness and ability to use IT systems for initial and on-going training and to enter cases on the Casework Management System. Willingness and ability to send and receive emails – you will receive your own SSAFA email address which you will be required to use when exercising your role.
- Ability to make enquires on behalf of beneficiaries by phone, email, letter or by filling in forms.
- Ability to keep within boundaries of the role with regards to friendship or giving advice
- Reliable, prompt and trustworthy.
- Access to public transport or a car to travel to appointments with clients.
We welcome volunteers of all backgrounds, abilities, races, sexual orientations, socio-economic backgrounds, and of all faiths and none. SSAFA are committed to making reasonable adjustments to support volunteers with disabilities, so they have access to the same opportunities and experiences as volunteers who do not.
Minimum Age: 18
Safer Recruitment: SSAFA undertakes a systematic approach and utmost care at every step of the process of volunteer recruitment, selection, and retention to ensure that those recruited are suitable and appropriate. Measures taken at points along this journey work together to make volunteering at SSAFA a positive and safe experience.
References Required: Yes. We will ask for two character references, this can be a former employer or someone that know you well (other than a relative)
Is a criminal record check required? Yes, this is provided by SSAFA at no cost to the potential volunteer. This role requires an enhanced check (including checks against the children and adults barred list)
*A disclosure certificate that contains convictions, cautions, warnings, reprimands, or other information may not automatically mean that you are not able to volunteer. All certificates will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and, where possible, a modified or alternative role will be offered.
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Would you like to support people who have served in the Armed Forces? You just need the ability to listen, strong IT skills and good written and spoken English. If you think this could be the role for you, we’d love to hear from you.
What is a Caseworker?
Caseworkers visit clients to work out what type of support they need. You will listen without judgement to assess and provide tailored support to help those serving, who have served and their families to navigate life in and beyond military service. Some examples of support are securing funding for special equipment for someone with a disability, adaptions to a property so an older client can remain at home or funds for a rental deposit. Caseworkers also sign-post clients onto specialist local services for advice on benefits, housing, mental health, debt, finding work etc.
Why do we need you?
We’ve been supporting the Armed Forces community since 1885. Our clients come from all backgrounds and age groups and may have served in WW2 or in a more recent conflict like the Falklands or Afghanistan. We’d love the general public to understand what we do and how they can help us.
There are SSAFA branches throughout the UK and overseas who support local volunteers to deliver services to veterans, serving personnel and their families. Some branches are divided into smaller divisions to ensure the best local service delivery. Each branch has a team of volunteer caseworkers, support volunteers, executive roles, and fundraisers.
Volunteer Caseworkers are the lifeblood of SSAFA, supporting a growing number of people in need of financial, practical, and emotional support. Clients come from all backgrounds and age groups and may have served in WW2 or in a more recent conflict like Iraq or Afghanistan.
When would you be needed and where would you be based?
The essential part of the role is visiting clients, so you will need access to a vehicle or another way to travel to meet clients at home or in a care home setting. As part of your local branch, you might have access to an office, but you can complete the administration part of the role from home as long as you have access to IT equipment and the internet.
What would you be doing?
- Contacting beneficiaries and arranging to meet them at a mutually convenient time.
- Meeting beneficiaries and completing a form to assess their circumstances, using good communication skills, empathy and understanding.
- Sign-posting clients onto local services providing specialist advice.
- Applying for funding on the behalf of the beneficiary through a specific process and system
- Arranging for the purchase of goods and services
- Keeping the beneficiary informed of their case progress.
- Liaise with the branch and regional office, regarding your availability.
- Keeping up to date with training and SSAFA news so that you are best able to support clients.
- Being a positive ambassador for SSAFA remembering that anyone you meet could be a potential client, volunteer, or fundraiser.
- Volunteering within the standards and values of SSAFA
- Adhering to SSAFAs policies and procedures at all times, including safeguarding, volunteering policy, equality, diversity and inclusion, health and safety, data protection and confidentiality.
What can you gain from this volunteering role?
- Use your skills, knowledge, and life experience to benefit others.
- Support from your local SSAFA branch and the wider SSAFA community
- Experience, training, and skills that you can highlight on your CV and in job interviews.
- Better physical and mental health – studies show that volunteers live longer and experience lower levels of stress and depression!
What training and support would you receive?
- Role specific training to prepare you for your voluntary role – confidentiality and boundaries, personal safety, caseworker training, and caseworker IT system training. The caseworker training takes 3 days and a further half a day for the other training.
- Mandatory on-line training modules to complete at home, so you are up to date on how to keep clients, their families safe and personal information safe.
- Access to a range additional e-learning courses as well as local opportunities for your personal and professional development.
- Local induction including assigning a person from the team who will be your main point of contact.
- Regular opportunities to meet and share best practice with other caseworkers.
- Range of support from central and regional volunteer operations team.
- Reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses
- Volunteers will be covered by SSAFAs Public Liability Insurance whilst carrying out the role.
What are we looking for?
- Friendly and approachable with good listening skills, patience, and a positive attitude.
- Good communication skills both written and verbally.
- Respectful and non-judgemental approach with beneficiaries, their family, other agencies and SSAFA colleagues
- Willingness and ability to use IT systems for initial and on-going training and to enter cases on the Casework Management System. Willingness and ability to send and receive emails – you will receive your own SSAFA email address which you will be required to use when exercising your role.
- Ability to make enquires on behalf of beneficiaries by phone, email, letter or by filling in forms.
- Ability to keep within boundaries of the role with regards to friendship or giving advice
- Reliable, prompt and trustworthy.
- Access to public transport or a car to travel to appointments with clients.
We welcome volunteers of all backgrounds, abilities, races, sexual orientations, socio-economic backgrounds, and of all faiths and none. SSAFA are committed to making reasonable adjustments to support volunteers with disabilities, so they have access to the same opportunities and experiences as volunteers who do not.
Minimum Age: 18
Safer Recruitment: SSAFA undertakes a systematic approach and utmost care at every step of the process of volunteer recruitment, selection, and retention to ensure that those recruited are suitable and appropriate. Measures taken at points along this journey work together to make volunteering at SSAFA a positive and safe experience.
References Required: Yes. We will ask for two character references, this can be a former employer or someone that know you well (other than a relative)
Is a criminal record check required? Yes, this is provided by SSAFA at no cost to the potential volunteer. This role requires an enhanced check (including checks against the children and adults barred list)
*A disclosure certificate that contains convictions, cautions, warnings, reprimands, or other information may not automatically mean that you are not able to volunteer. All certificates will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and, where possible, a modified or alternative role will be offered.
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.