
Key Insights From the CharityJob Pay and Retention Report 2024

Following on from our Salary Report 2024, we’ve further investigated salary trends and factors impacting pay and retention in the UK charity sector. We surveyed candidates who’d been active on the CharityJob website in the last three years.

The CharityJob Pay and Retention Report 2024

We analysed the responses of those who were based in the UK and working in the charity sector―1,832 in total.

39% of respondents were at the experienced non-manager level and 44% were at management level or above.

Most respondents (80%) earned £20,000–£50,000. The salary bracket of £20,000–£30,000 had the largest proportion of respondents (34%).

We found that 94% of entry level/graduate respondents earned £30,000 or less, compared to 54% of experienced non-managers and 19% of managers.

To ensure you’re offering fair salaries, we recommend using the CharityJob Salary Checker tool to benchmark your salaries.

Most candidates received a pay increase

Respondents who’d been in their job for over a year were asked whether they’d received a pay increase in the past year. 74% of respondents said that they had.

53% had received a pay increase due to an annual salary review. Of those, 87% received an increase of between 0.5% and 6%.

Of respondents who said they’d received a salary increase due to promotions or increase in responsibilities, nearly half received an increase exceeding 8.5%.

Satisfaction with pay was mixed

Nearly half (48%) of respondents didn’t believe their current pay was fair. Only 29% agreed their pay reflected their current job performance and 69% felt their pay didn’t reflect the current cost of living.

pay statement graph

Only 22% of those earning £20,000–£30,000 believed their pay was fair, compared to 66% of those earning £50,000–£60,000.

Additionally, 83% of those earning £20,000–£30,000 didn’t believe their pay reflected the current cost of living. That’s compared to an average of 69% across all salary brackets.

Many candidates are planning to move jobs

59% of respondents said they were either ‘likely’ or ‘very likely’ to move jobs within the next year.

Those in entry level/graduate positions and those earning £20,000–£30,000 were more likely to change jobs.

And nearly half (48%) of those who didn’t receive a pay increase in the past year or aren’t expecting one soon said they’re ‘very likely’ to leave their current role within the next year.

Job search preferences

We asked candidates who were ‘likely’ or ‘very likely’ to change jobs where they were looking or considering looking. They responded as follows:

Respondents were also asked why they’re looking for or considering a new job. The top three reasons chosen were:

  • To advance my salary (78%)
  • To advance my career opportunities (65%)
  • To advance my skill set (40%).


Want to find out more?

Download the full CharityJob Pay and Retention Report 2024 for further insights.

Tags: charity recruitment, salary trends, staff retention

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About the author

Jinsha Joshy

Jinsha is Research Executive at CharityJob.