Safeguarding Trustee Volunteer Roles in Edinburgh
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
About Roots Academy
At Roots Academy, we’ve built a learning experience that’s changing the lives of the ummah’s future leaders, change-makers and visionaries.
Our vision is enabling university students to live God-centred lives, so we teach structured, engaging and transformative face-to-face foundational Islamic education to over 1,800 students across the UK.
Role Summary
The Safeguarding Officer will work with the People Team Lead and the Trustee Board in ensuring that appropriate arrangements are in place for keeping students, volunteers and team members safe at Roots Academy.
You will promote the safety and welfare of young people involved in Roots Academy’s activities at all times.
Key tasks
- Support with developing, reviewing and implementing Roots Academy’s safeguarding policies and procedures: ensuring all safeguarding issues concerning students and volunteers who take part in Roots Academy’s activities are responded to appropriately.
- Make sure that everyone working or volunteering at Roots Academy, including the board of trustees, understands the safeguarding policy and procedures and knows what to do if they have concerns about a student or volunteer’s welfare.
- Develop and deliver safeguarding training.
- Make sure students and young people who are involved in activities at Roots Academy know who they can talk to if they have a welfare concern and understand what action the organisation will take in response.
- Receive and record information from anyone who has concerns about a student or volunteer who takes part in Roots Academy’s activities.
- Responding to information that may constitute a safeguarding concern, including a concern that an adult involved with Roots Academy may present a risk to children or young people. This includes:
a. assessing and clarifying the information
b. making referrals to statutory organisations as appropriate
c. consulting with and informing the relevant members of the organisation’s management
d. following the organisation’s safeguarding policy and procedures.
- Liaise with, pass on information to and receive information from statutory agencies such as the police. This includes making formal referrals to agencies when necessary.
- Store and retain safeguarding records according to legal requirements and the organisation’s safeguarding policy and procedures.
- Work closely with the board of trustees the People Team Lead to ensure they are kept up to date with safeguarding issues and are fully informed of any concerns about organisational safeguarding practice.
- Report regularly to the board of trustees on issues relating to safeguarding, to ensure that safeguarding is seen as an ongoing priority issue and that safeguarding requirements are being followed at all levels of the organisation.
What we’re looking for
- The Safeguarding Officer must have received relevant safeguarding training
- Experience as a qualified social worker or safeguarding lead desirable
- Understanding of safeguarding in further education desirable
- Strong understanding of Islam and the Muslim community essential
What we have to offer
- Be part of a team of 40+ dedicated volunteers from across the country.
- Receive continuous rewards for those that seek Islamic knowledge from the Roots platform.
- Be a part of a growing organisation that aims to revive and educate Muslims from a grassroots perspective.
- Receive in-house tarbiyah sessions to develop your deen.
Please note this is an unpaid volunteer position.
Volunteers are entitled to claim expenses incurred for food, travel and equipment, in line with our Expenses policy.
We teach structured, engaging and transformative face-to-face foundational Islamic education to students across the UK and beyond.

The Job Holder must have appropriate experience to undertake this role. The Job Holder may be invited to join the Board of Trustees, but this is not mandatory in order to fulfil the role.
Remuneration: The role of DSO is not accompanied by any financial remuneration, although expenses for travel may be claimed.
Location: Home based
Time commitment: Attending 4/5 Trustee Board meetings per year and regular liaison with the trustees. Additionally, the DSO is expected to participate in meetings of the Executive Committee, if requested to attend.
Reporting to: Board of Trustees
Objective: As the Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) you will act as the main source of support, advice and expertise for safeguarding in LNBP.
Duties to include the following, but these may be amended or updated in accordance with Project needs:
- To advise and support the Trustees in developing and establishing our organisation’s approach to safeguarding Children, Young People & Vulnerable Adults.
- To act as the main point of contact in the Project on matters relating to Child, Young Person & Vulnerable Adult Protection.
- To act as the Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) and be the initial recipient of any concerns in the context of safeguarding.
- To manage safeguarding concerns, allegations or incidents reported to your organisation.
- To provide safeguarding advice and support to Project skippers and other personnel.
- To play a lead role in maintaining and reviewing LNBP’s policy and procedures for safeguarding.
- To advise on training needs and development, providing training or facilitate training where appropriate
- To manage referrals to key safeguarding agencies (e.g. social services or police) of any incidents or allegations of abuse and harm.
All role holders within LNBP are bound by the rules detailed by the Data Protection Act.
This role is advertised as part of TPP's Free Giving Back Services. This volunteer advertisement copy has been supplied to TPP and applicants apply direct to the organisation. Please contact the organisation directly if you have any questions about this volunteer role.
Missing People is recruiting volunteers with expertise in Safeguarding to sit on our charity Safeguarding Panel. The Panel meets four times a year and assists the charity’s work by acting as critical friends - providing scrutiny, challenge and support to staff around safeguarding best practice.
The Panel is chaired by a Missing People Trustee and meetings are attended by Missing People’s Director of Services and Senior Managers, who present current projects, challenges and work for discussion.
Someone is reported missing every 90 seconds in the UK. Missing People is the only UK charity dedicated to reconnecting missing people and their loved ones. Our services include:
- A free and confidential helpline, available 7 days a week, for missing people and their loved ones,
- A specialist family support and counselling service,
- Case publicity to support loved ones with sharing appeals,
- Specialist services for children and young people, and their loved ones, experiencing exploitation,
- Commissioned Return Home Interview services for young people at particular risk,
- Research, consultancy and training for professionals working around the issue of missing.
Our vision is that every missing person is found safe, and it is through the services above that we aim to safeguard and protect children and adults. True to our charity values, we offer confidentiality in order to build a relationship of trust, and we aim to empower our service users, respecting a person’s right to be missing and working with them to keep them safe.
Due to the complexity of the missing experience, we are always looking to improve our systems, processes and practice in relation to safeguarding. We cannot do this effectively without ‘critical friends’ who support the team to evaluate current work by asking the right questions and sharing external expertise.
We are currently recruiting new Safeguarding Panel members. Panel members are asked to:
- Attend and actively participate in Panel meetings - the Panel meets four times a year, usually for one hour. Meetings takes place via video call, and currently, meetings take place on Monday afternoons from 3-4pm.
- Read papers in advance of meetings - these are sent out in advance of the Panel meetings. Preparation for each meeting varies but is never more than 1-2 hours.
- If Panel members are interested, there are also additional opportunities to get further involved with the charity’s work. This is entirely optional.
What impact will you have?
Your input will support Missing People to recognise risk and protect children and adults effectively, safely and within a culture that is always acting on any opportunities for learning. This is vital to our work of providing a lifeline and meaningful support to all individuals and communities impacted by missing.
About the volunteer
We are looking for volunteers with:
- A strong understanding of safeguarding principles and practice, especially within the voluntary and/or statutory sectors.
- Experience of working with children and/or adults in areas such as exploitation, homelessness, mental health, modern slavery, refugee and migrant justice, social care, suicide prevention and victim support.
- Alignment with the ethos of Missing People’s services: to respect the agency of individuals, protect confidentiality and anonymity, and work alongside individuals, wherever possible.
- The ability to ask key questions and provide scrutiny and support to Missing People staff and volunteers (Trustee Panel Members and other Panel Members).
- Commitment to attend quarterly Panel meetings for a period of 3 years (a three-year term).
Missing People is the only UK charity dedicated to reconnecting missing people and their loved ones.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
CISWO, The Coal Mining Charity, is seeking additional trustees to strengthen and widen the scope, expertise and diversity of our Board. We would particularly welcome applications from individuals who are a qualified accountant and a member of a recognised institute.
Since 1995, we have been improving lives and reducing disadvantage in former coal mining communities. With services provided across the country in all former coalfield areas, our reach is extensive.
CISWO is a service provider, grant maker, and custodian of one of the largest portfolios of recreational land in the UK. Our aim is to reduce disadvantage in communities impacted by the coal mining industry and to leave a legacy of community facilities for future generations.
We are proud of the impact we make with former miners and mining communities. With over 2,400 individuals, and over 200 other mining charities supported in 2023, we can demonstrate the difference we make. We are however ambitious to achieve more and recognise that as our client groups change, we need to increase and adapt our delivery to meet these needs.
This is an exciting time to join the organisation. We at the start of our third year of our current 5 year strategy which will build on the past work of CISWO, drive the current work of the charity and set strong foundations for the future to ensure we meet the changing needs of our different client groups.
Trustee Responsibilities
As a Trustee of CISWO you will:
· Be responsible for providing governance to administration and management of the organisation.
· Ensure the financial stability and viability of CISWO.
· Actively contribute to the Board by giving strategic direction including defining and setting overall policy, and evaluating performance against this.
· Ensure compliance with the charity’s governing document, and any legal requirements.
· Act in the best interests of the charity at all times.
· Safeguard the reputation and values of the organisation.
· Use specific skills and knowledge of topics relevant to their areas of expertise to lead discussions, provide advice and guidance, identify key issues, and help the Board to reach sound decisions.
Essential Skills and Knowledge
· Relevant knowledge to contribute to the charity’s core areas of delivery.
· Credibility and evidence of effectiveness in their chosen field.
· Operating a senior level in either a paid or unpaid capacity in a significantly sized and / or complex organisation.
· Experience of strategic thinking and planning with a good understanding of risk.
· A well–rounded understanding of the charity sector and the responsibilities of trustees.
· Analytical and evaluation skills, demonstrating good judgement.
· Highly numerate with the ability to understand budgets and charity finance.
· Team orientated with a collaborative and solution focused approach
· A critical understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion and a commitment to applying these to the role.
· The ability to commit the necessary time and engagement to be an effective member of the Board.
Desirable Skills and Knowledge
· Understanding of the issues faced by former coal miners and mining communities.
· Recent experience working as a qualified accountant in a professional capacity.
· Previous experience as a charity trustee or working with a board of trustees.
How to apply
To be considered for the role, please supply the following:
· An up to date CV clearly detailing your career history with key achievements
· A supporting statement outlining your suitability for the role and the value that your expertise will add to the Trustee Board
Full candidate information pack attached.
Improving the lives of individuals and communities facing disadvantage due to the impact of the coal mining industry.

The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
ADH Trustees will be expected to:
·Attend all Trustee Board meetings (either in-person or virtually through Zoom). Board meetings are held three times per year.
·Ensure all activity conducted by the ADH supports and helps the ADH achieve purposes set out in the ADH Constitution, and no other purpose
·Comply with the ADH Constitution and the charitable law requirements and any other applicable laws that might apply to the ADH
·Ensure you are acting in the ADH best interests and accordingly, make informed and reasonable decisions
·Act with reasonable care and skill and seek external, expert advice as and when required
·Ensure there are no conflicts of interest or loyalty when acting as a Trustee and declare where necessary and required
·Decide and plan how the ADH will carry out its purpose, ensuring there are sufficient resources and funds available
·Manage ADH resources and assets responsibly and mitigate any associated risk
·Ensure ADH funds are protected and spent only to achieve ADH objectives
·Ensure accurate financial records are kept and robust financial controls are in place
·Hold one-to-one yearly meetings with ADH volunteers to ensure they are clear on their roles and responsibilities and are aware of how to report an issue
·Periodically, review what the ADH is achieving and how effective the ADH is at carrying out its purpose
·Review ADH objectives and if required, update and modify through the Charity Commission and approval at the ADH AGM
·Be aware of other laws that might affect the running of the ADH such as, equality, data protection and safeguarding laws
·Ensure the ADH is accountable and compliant with statutory accounting and reporting requirements
·Ensure the ADH is accountable to the Charitable Commission and ADH membership
Desirable skills
·Strong leadership skills
·Good organisational skills
·Good strategic and planning abilities
·Experience of working with and building teams and organisational culture
Desirable competencies:
·Good interpersonal and communication skills
- Excellent diplomacy and persuasive skills
Type and Length of role
·This is a voluntary role on the ADH Trustee Board. It is a three–year tenure after which, the role will be put up for re–election.
·Trustees may be asked to join an ADH Sub-Committee.
·This role is subject to a three–month review period to ensure expectations are met for both role holder and ADH Executive Committee.
·The role holder will need to devote required time to position and organisation (this will be discussed with successful applicant prior to acceptance of role).
In the event that the role holder resigns a by-election must be held and a new Trustee recruited before current role-holder can stand down
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
The Southover Partnership
The Southover Partnership (“Southover” or the “School”) is an independent special needs day school for pupils with social, emotional and mental health difficulties, autistic spectrum disorder and other complex needs. It is situated on three sites in the London boroughs of Brent, Barnet and Enfield. All pupils have education, health and care plans (EHCP) and are placed by a wide range of local authorities. Typically, the pupils placed at the School have significantly disrupted educational histories.
The work at Southover is underpinned by the principles of attachment theory. The School follows a small school model because we believe it delivers the best outcomes for our students. This means each school community gets to deeply know and understand its members and gives students the opportunity to be more directly involved in their own education. It allows the different school sites to serve as pupils’ primary attachment, and therefore build up a trusting relationship with others and eventually society. The aim is to deliver a truly personalised and holistic education experience for all our pupils.
Specific responsibilities
1.Provide oversight and support to the School Business Manager, together with the Chair and the Executive Headteacher.
2.Chair the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee.
3.Review and report on Southover’s financial performance to ensure the safeguarding of organisational assets and its short- and long-term viability.
4.Oversee the financial implications of strategic plans, annual budgets, risk management and financial management reports, explaining technical aspects in plain language.
5.Propose and implement an ongoing review of Southover’s financial and risk policies.
6.Ensure there is an effective external and internal audit function.
7.Act as sounding board and finance professional to the non-finance board members, while reminding each trustee of their own responsibilities in this area.
Person Specification
Personal Qualities
• Demonstrate a strong and visible passion and commitment to the charity/school, its strategic objectives and cause.
• Exhibit strong inter-personal and relationship building abilities.
• Demonstrate empathy, tact and diplomacy, with the ability to listen and engage effectively.
• Strong networking capabilities that can be utilised for the benefit of the charity/school.
• Ability to foster and promote a collaborative team environment.
• Ability to commit time to conduct the role well, including travel and attending events, functions, meetings etc as appropriate out of office hours.
• Experience of operating at a senior strategic leadership level within an organisation
• Successful track record of achievement through their career
• Experience of working with or as part of a Board of Trustees
• Extensive experience of managing financial statements (P&L, balance sheet and cash flow) as FD or CFO of an organisation with revenue >£4m
• Significant experience of chairing meetings and events
• Experience of handling sensitive and confidential issues
• Experience as a school governor
• Experience of charity governance
Knowledge and Skills
• Knowledge of accounting, budgeting, internal financial controls and systems, fraud prevention
• A professional accountancy qualification
• Knowledge and understanding of corporate and charity governance.
• Good understanding of the Charity Commission’s guidance in respect of Charity finances
• An approachable personality with the desire to meet with people from a range of different communities and disciplines.
• Knowledge and understanding of the education sector.
• Understanding of the regulatory frameworks and governance of schools (and what it means to be both a school and a charity)
• Knowledge and experience of charity finance
• A good understanding of the key issues facing Southover and/or any SEN provider.
Terms of Office
The Chair will serve a three-year term, eligible for re appointment at the end of one term of office for one additional term only i.e. a maximum of 6 years.
Yes, document attached
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Role Description: Trustee
To be a Trustee of an organisation is an exciting and fulfilling role and the most effective Boards are ones which benefit from individuals from a diverse range of backgrounds, experiences and skill sets.
The role of a Trustee is to ensure that GFS fulfils its duty to its beneficiaries and delivers on our vision, mission and values.
Key Responsibilities
The statutory duties of a trustee are:
• To ensure the organisation complies with its governing document (articles of association).
• To ensure that the organisation pursues its objectives as defined in its governing document.
• To ensure the organisation applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objectives - the charity must not spend money on activities which are not included in its own objectives.
• To contribute actively to the Board of Trustees’ role in giving firm strategic direction to the organisation, setting overall policy, defining goals and setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets.
• To safeguard the good name and values of the organisation.
• To ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation.
• To ensure the financial stability of the organisation.
• To protect and ensure the proper investment of the organisation’s funds.
• To appoint the Chief Executive and monitor their performance.
• In addition, with other trustees, to hold the charity “in trust” for current and future beneficiaries by:
• Ensuring that the charity has a clear vision, mission and strategic direction and is focused on achieving these.
• Being responsible for the performance of the charity and for its behaviour; ensuring that the charity complies with all legal and regulatory requirements.
• Taking care of the charity’s assets.
The Board of Trustees are jointly and severally responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of the charity, its financial health, the impact of its activities and developing the organisation’s aims, objectives and goals in accordance with the governing document, legal and regulatory guidelines.
Beyond the statutory duties of GFS, we ask that our trustees take a supporting role within the organisation to help drive the delivery of the strategy and support the team. This could include activities such as chairing committees/working groups, mentoring members of the team or actively supporting meetings with potential funders for example.
Personal Qualities & Skills
• A commitment to the mission, vision and values of GFS
• A willingness to devote the necessary time and effort to the role of Trustee
• An ability to work effectively as a member of a team and willingness to be available to staff for advice and enquiries on an ad hoc basis.
• Integrity and a willingness to speak their mind • Good, independent judgement and strategic vision.
• An ability to think creatively
• An understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship
• An understanding of the respective roles of the Chair, Trustees and Chief Executive.
Using Anonymous Recruitment
This organisation is using Anonymous Recruitment to reduce bias in the first stages of the hiring process. Submit your application as normal and our system will anonymise it for you. Your personal information will be hidden until the recruiter contacts you.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Create Change through Arts Therapies , Lead with Purpose
We are looking for trustees to oversee the direction of the charity. We have delivered rapid growth over the last two years and now need to expand our Board of Trustees. By joining our board you will be:
- Making a Lasting Impact: you can help transform lives through creative therapeutic support for individuals taking action to deal with their mental health.
- Shape the Future: you will be part of shaping the future of our charity as we expand services and reach more people in need.
- Use Your Expertise for Good: bring your professional skills to the board, whether in finance, education, governance, fundraising, or therapeutic services, and help guide the strategic direction of our charity.
We are seeking to fill our board with the following expertise:
Experience in the following areas would be valuable:
- Finance and Accounting: To oversee the financial health of the charity, ensuring sustainability and growth.
- Fundraising and Income Generation: To support us in developing sustainable income streams, including grant applications, corporate partnerships, and individual giving.
- Therapeutic Services and Arts Therapy: Professionals who understand the sector and can help shape our programmes in alignment with best practices in mental health care.
- Marketing and Communications: To help us raise the profile of Arts Therapies UK through digital strategies, media relations, and public engagement.
- Legal and Governance: Individuals with experience in charity law or governance to ensure we remain compliant with regulatory requirements.
Trustee Roles and Responsibilities:
As a trustee, you will:
- Ensure that the charity is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit.
- Provide strategic oversight of the charity’s projects and services, ensuring they align with the overall mission.
- Monitor financial performance and ensure the charity is operating within its means.
- Act as an advocate and ambassador for Arts Therapies UK, raising awareness of the charity’s work.
- Attend 6 weekly (approximetley) trustee meetings held online, an annual strategy day (in person), and contribute to subcommittees and requests for support where necessary.
- Uphold the charity’s commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion.
Why Join Arts Therapies UK:
- Purpose-Driven Work: Support our mission that provides interventions to individuals facing mental health challenges across the whole country.
- Impact: Directly influence the charity’s ability to reach more people in need, through strategic decision-making and governance.
- Development: Build on your leadership and governance skills while making a meaningful difference in your community.
- Collaborative Board: Join a diverse and experienced group of trustees who are passionate about mental health and the arts.
If you are interested please read the attached role descriptions carefully and then submit a CV and brief covering letter.
To put it simply our aim is to provide accessible mental health support to all who need it, using arts therapies as a platform to achieve this aim.

The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
The Chair of Trustees is a vital leadership role, ensuring the board operates effectively and collaboratively while providing strategic oversight to achieve Ella’s mission and goals. The Chair works closely with trustees, directors, and staff to create a culture of excellence, accountability, and service-user focus.
We would particularly love to hear from people who have benefited from a service like Ella’s, so we can learn from your lived experience.
We will provide any required access and support to ensure equality of opportunity to anyone wishing to be a trustee. In line with our values and equal opportunities policy, we therefore welcome applications from all individuals interested in this position regardless of background, race, religion or anything else.
An enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check will be undertaken. This post is restricted to women due to the nature of the role. The Occupational Requirement section under Schedule 9 (part 1) of the Equality Act 2010 applies.
Our mission is to ensure survivors of trafficking and exploitation have all they need to recover and build lives that are safe and free.
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Submit a CV and a cover letter to express your interest.
Those who submit their CV will be considered and will be invited to an informal insight event towards Janunary 2025 before interviews occur.
What does a Trustee do!
A Trustee’s role is to act in the best interests of the organization. They are accountable for the organization’s finances, legal affairs, overall performance, and serious arising issues. Trustees must ensure that executives align with the organization’s purpose and mission, acting in ways that advance these goals and uphold the organization’s values. Statutory duties include ensuring compliance with laws and regulations, safeguarding assets, and maintaining accurate financial records.
Each Trustee will attend Trustee meetings on a regular basis, a Trustee may also be appointed as a Co Chair and into other roles such as Treasurer and Secretary, and also may join a committee.
A Little About Us!
Youth Advantage UK is a research-led, un incorporated un registered charitable organisation with the aim to become a CIO soon. We use a research-led approach promote and further the rights and interests of young people through positive action such as projects, policy work and research. We promote and empower change.
What we are looking for!
We are looking to appoint experienced Trustees with a background in one or more of the following areas: finance, law, academia, research, leadership, youth sector, policy, education, social action, human rights, issues facing young people and fundraising.
Why we need you!
Youth Advantage UK are in our early stages but are growing and looking for Trustees to help achieve our aims to become a registered charitable organisation. Your skills and expertise are what we need to continue to grow.
What we offer!
Anybody who wishes to help and contribute to a good cause are welcome to join us. By being a Trustee with us you have the chance to learn something new and contribute to a successful organisation who is looking to help young people in the UK.
Using Anonymous Recruitment
This organisation is using Anonymous Recruitment to reduce bias in the first stages of the hiring process. Submit your application as normal and our system will anonymise it for you. Your personal information will be hidden until the recruiter contacts you.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
We have a fantaastic opportunity for you to join our Board of Trustees in a growing and expanding organisation that makes a difference in the lives of women and girls, preventing exploitation and trafficking and advocating for a life of freedom, dignity and empowerment.
Emerge Worldwide is a humanitarian organisation whose purpose is to advocate and raise awareness against sexual exploitation and sex trafficking, focused on women and girls. Our activities provide interventions, tools and resources in prevention work, as we seek to end it everywhere.
We help and support those suffering trauma, and who are victims of sexual exploitation and sex trafficking and empower survivors of this horrific crime, to go on and live independent successful lives.
We are looking for people willing to bring energy, enthusiasm and commitment to the role, and who will broaden the diversity of thinking on our board.
We are seeking passionate individuals to join our Board of Trustees, who will partner with us in our dedication and fight to combatting this heinous crime. We are keen to receive your application if you have human rights, fundraising, or sexual exploitation / sex trafficking experience.
We are keen to receive applications with experience in any of the following areas:
• human rights
• fundraising / income generation
• asylum seekers / refugees
• sexual exploitation / sex trafficking
Your experience will help to support Emerge Worldwide to engage in high-level discussions and actions, which will position and promote our voice and impact, create positive change within the humanitarian and modern slavery sectors and deliver on our purpose to end sexual exploitation and sex trafficking everywhere.
• Support and provide advice on Emerge Worldwide’s purpose, vision, mission, goals and activities.
• Approve operational strategies and policies, and monitor and evaluate their implementation.
• Oversee Emerge Worldwide’s financial plans and budgets and monitor and evaluate progress.
• Ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation.
• Ensure that key risks are being identified, monitored and controlled effectively.
• Keep abreast of changes in Emerge Worldwide’s operating environment.
• Contribute to regular reviews of Emerge Worldwide’s own governance. Attend Board meetings and adequately prepared to contribute to discussions.
• Use independent judgment, acting legally and in good faith to promote and protect Emerge Worldwide’s interests, to the exclusion of their own personal and/or any third-party interests.
• Contribute to the broader promotion of Emerge Worldwide’s objects, aims and reputation by applying your skills, expertise, knowledge and contacts.
As a small charity, there will be times when the trustees will need to be actively involved beyond Board meetings. This may involve scrutinising board papers, leading discussions, focusing on key issues, providing advice and guidance on new initiatives, presenting externally, or other issues in which the trustee has special expertise.
Personal skills and qualities
• Enthusiasm and commitment to Emerge Worldwide vision, mission, purpose and work.
• Willingness and ability to understand and accept their responsibilities as trustees and to act in the best interests of the organisation.
• Ability to think creatively and strategically, exercise good, independent judgement and work effectively as a board member with good governance.
• Effective communication skills and willingness to participate actively in discussions.
• Good independent judgement.
• A strong personal commitment to equality and diversity.
• Willingness to lead according to our values.
• Fulfilling the criteria of a charity trustee the essential trustee
Terms of office
• Trustees are appointed for a minimum of 2 years of office
• This is a voluntary position, but reasonable expenses are reimbursed.
Time commitment
• Attending quarterly Board meetings annually - currently meetings are held remotely.
• Trustees are encouraged to attend all staff in-person meetings which run 3 times annually plus any relevant training days.
You will be part of a professional, friendly and skilled Board of Trustees.
We are a welcoming organisation, dedicated to creating a positive and engaging experience where you’ll feel valued, inspired, and empowered to bring your ideas to life.
Apply and help us end sexual exploitation and sex trafficking for good!
To apply, please submit your CV and a covering letter outlining your motivation for the role and how your skills and experience make you a good fit.
If you do have any questions, our HR Manager can arrange to speak with you or communicate with you by email.
Please note that we will request references, and a DBS check will be required due to the nature of our work.
Raising awareness and prevention on sexual exploitation & sex trafficking. Amplifying our voice until freedom is experienced for all women and girls.
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Would you like to be part of our future? After a period of growth Grassroots Suicide Prevention are seeking to recruit further trustees.
We are a national suicide prevention charity, and our vision is a future where more lives are saved from suicide. We empower people to help saves lives from suicide through connecting, educating, and campaigning nationally:
· Connecting: We listen and connect people to support through our Stay Alive app, tools, and resources to help keep people safe from suicide.
· Educating: We offer bespoke and evidence-based consultation and training, co-designed to empower individuals, organisations, and communities to develop the skills and confidence to help save lives.
· Campaigning: We help remove the stigma around suicide. We know that most suicides are preventable with timely intervention and the right support. We raise awareness through campaigning on the ground and influencing at a strategic level.
As a Trustee, you will be joining a charity in a strong position with an ambition to build on our successes. We will be looking to build on existing activities and developing new innovative projects.
Trustees are our most senior leaders. They set our strategic direction, make sure we’re using our resources effectively and ensure we’re having the greatest possible impact in the communities in which we work. Trustees are expected to undertake duties in a manner that reflects GSP’s values and ethos.
We are particularly looking for Trustees with skills and experience in one of the following areas:
· clinical in suicide prevention and mental health
· academic in suicide prevention and mental health
· frontline support both online/digital and face to face
· fundraising and/or someone who sits across marketing, comms and fundraising
· business development and networking
· charity experience, ideally a CEO or former CEO who has grown a local charity into a national charity
We are a friendly and welcoming organisation and are passionate about what we do. You’ll be joining our Board of Trustees at an exciting time with lots of opportunities to build on our success over the next few years. If you have the time and enthusiasm to be part of something amazing, please get in touch.
We welcome applications from those with lived experience.
If you would like to apply and/or find out more about this position, please see the job description attached.
Closing date for applications is January 6th 2025.
If you are viewing this advert after January 6th and are interested in the role we would still love to hear from you, so do please get in touch.
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Ethiopiaid is a small international fundraising charity based in Bath, UK. It is one of four Ethiopiaid’s that shares a global strategy, vision, and mission. The other Ethiopiaid’s are in Ireland, Canada, and Australia. Each is a registered non-profit and operates with separate trustee boards.
We are a fundraising organisation connecting like-minded donors with the work that we support. Funds are raised through direct and online appeals, applications to grant makers, from major donors and through legacies. In 2024 over £2.4 million was raised to support work in Ethiopia focusing on maternal health, harmful traditional practices, education, opportunities for women and girls, people living with disabilities and support for the vulnerable. We also support our partners with emergency relief and recovery.
We are seeking a new Finance Lead Trustee to provide scrutiny and oversight of the work of Ethiopiaid, and support the CEO and Senior Finance Manager in achieving the charity’s financial targets, as well as providing Board oversight of the annual audited accounts process.
As our Finance Lead Trustee, you will:
· Review our accounts
· Ensure relevant financial policies are in place as required by the charity commission
· Have an excellent ability to interpret financial information and the confidence to raise questions and challenge
· Have oversight of the charity’s expenditure and return on investment
· Have the ability to think creatively and strategically, exercising good and impartial judgement
· Liaise with senior staff to ensure financial reports are user friendly for non-finance trustees
· Provide support for the Chair of trustees and the whole board
· Be willing to be available to support the charity’s CEO and Senior Finance Manager as needed
· Have a good understanding of, or be willing to learn, the rules and regulation around charity finance
Specific knowledge and experience sought:
· CCAB/CIMA qualified professional
· An interest in international development and the issues we are supporting our partners to tackle in Ethiopia
This role is voluntary and reasonable travel costs are reimbursed. The term of appointment is initially three years. This may be extended by mutual agreement.
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
The Pelvic Radiation Disease Association (PRDA) is looking for a Chair of Trustees to provide strategic leadership for the charity, working in partnership with our Operations Manager and supported by a committed team of Trustees.
Who we are
Pelvic Radiation Disease (PRD) is a long-term side-effect (‘late effect’) of pelvic radiotherapy treatment affecting an estimated 100,000 people in the UK. People affected by PRD often have a complex set of symptoms affecting the bowel, bladder, sexual function or other functions for many years after radiotherapy, sometimes only appearing several years after radiotherapy treatment
PRDA is a small UK charity whose objectives are to see that the effects of PRD are minimised, that people affected by PRD are given the best possible care and treatment, and that PRD is accepted as a serious problem and given the attention it deserves.
Duties of the Chair
In addition to the duties of a Trustee, the Chair will:
- Provide strategic leadership to the charity and the Board, ensuring that PRDA achieves its mission.
- Work in partnership with the Operations Manager and team to achieve our mission.
- Lead the board in ensuring that it fulfils its responsibilities for the governance of the organisation.
- Optimise the relationship between the board and PRDA’s staff and volunteers.
- Plan and chair the board meetings and the AGM, with others as appropriate.
- Act as a spokesperson and figurehead for PRDA.
What PRDA is looking for
Each trustee must have:
- a commitment to the vision and aims of the Pelvic Radiation Disease Association
- willingness to meet the minimum time requirement
- integrity
- strategic vision
- good, independent judgement
- an ability to think creatively
- a willingness to speak their mind
- an understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship
- an ability to work effectively as a member of a team and to take decisions for the good of PRDA.
Ideally, trustees should also have one or more of the following:
- Understanding of the impact of Pelvic Radiation Disease on people’s lives either through personal or professional connections, or be willing to learn about this;
- Prior experience of committee/trustee work;
- Knowledge of the type of work undertaken by PRDA (helpline, support groups, online support, health professional engagement, awareness-raising) and/or fundraising for a small charity, and
- Leadership skills.
Please see the full job description for more detail.
For an informal discussion about the role please contact David Jillings, PRDA Treasurer & Vice-chair.
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Trustee – Join our Board!
Are you looking for a new challenge? Are you passionate about work that directly impacts families? If so, join this friendly and ambitious board and make a difference to those affected by chronic granulomatous disorder.
About the Role
Being a Trustee for the CGD Society means you will use your skills and experience to support our charity, ensure we are achieving our aims and we are working towards our goals and mission. All Trustees are jointly responsible for any decisions made as well as defining and overseeing our strategy.
You will work closely with our dedicated staff to ensure the organisation operates effectively, efficiently and economically, with a culture that is positive, and focused on the needs of those it serves.
As well as attending Board meetings, Trustees are encouraged to join a subcommittee and use their skills to assist our staff and maximise effort in a specific area. Our current subcommittees cover Governance, Finance, Fundraising, Community and Medical.
To learn more about the CGD Society and understand the role and responsibilities of a Trustee in more detail, please read our attached recruitment pack.
About You
We are seeking individuals who are collaborative, self-motivated and passionate about work that makes a difference. Those seeking a new challenge and enjoy innovative problem-solving will flourish in this role.
Our Trustees bring a range of skills and expertise to the charity. Right now, we are ideally seeking individuals with the following backgrounds:
Lived experience with CGD or a rare disease
Finance, Governance and Legal expertise, preferably within a charitable context, to provide essential guidance.
Fundraising proficiency, including grant writing abilities and corporate to enhance income diversification.
Proficiency in Information Technology, digital platforms, and digital marketing
Representation from the healthcare sector ideally in Rare Disease to enrich our understanding of healthcare delivery in the UK.
Marketing, Digital and IT to maximize the utilization of our assets.
Whilst these skills are desirable, we would like to hear from anyone who is interested in this role. A successful Trustee will be able to draw on a diverse range of technical and soft skills as well as their knowledge and passion.
As well as supporting the charity and members of the CGD community, we will provide you with opportunities to grow and develop. For example:
Develop new professional and personal skills: Our current Board of Trustees have learnt skills such as strategic thinking, using data, problem solving and charity governance. Many of our Trustees remarked that it was valuable to be pushed out of their comfort zone and how this has built their confidence.
A rare opportunity to work alongside, and learn from, a variety of individuals from a range of backgrounds: This includes those working in healthcare, finance, technology, as well as those from different walks of life and individuals who have been personally affected by CGD.
Take on a new challenge: There are a number of challenges facing small charities as well as the wider rare diseases community, for example fundraising during a cost-of-living crisis and connecting with our members after the pandemic. Considering new and innovative approaches to these issues is crucial.
A selfless and rewarding role: Given the under-represented nature of rare diseases, as well as the challenges surrounding research, diagnosis and treatment, the work of charities like the CGD Society is crucial. We can sometimes be a family’s only support network during these difficult times, giving a sense of purpose and value to all that we do. You will feel the warmth and gratitude from our community for your work with us.
How to Apply
Please send your CV with a covering letter describing your reasons and motivation for applying, through the Quick Apply portal. We will get back to you within a few days to agree the next steps.
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.