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Graphic Designer (VOLUNTEER) - NEW Youth Charity

Unpaid role, expenses not paid
Job description

We're setting up a new youth charity called REMIX and looking for volunteers to join us in the role of Graphic Designer who can help us get REMIX set up by designing some much needed branded designs that will help get us on our way to success.

REMIX aims to be a dynamic youth-focused charity passionate and committed to empowering young people from deprived areas and disadvantaged backgrounds across London and beyond by creating opportunities and experiences that address the holistic needs of young people, that EMPOWER young people and INSPIRE change that puts them on a path to TRANSFORM their lives for the better. Our evidence-based programmes will focus on developing essential life skills, fostering healthy lifestyles, and unlocking personal growth by experienced and dedicated positive role models in a safe and non judgemental environment, helping young people discover themselves and the world around them.

We're looking for volunteer Graphic Designer:

The Graphic Designer will play a crucial role in helping REMIX get recognised, build momentum and excitement for our new youth charity in London, creating some visually appealing content.

We need your help in any or all of the following designs;

  1. Vibrant Social Media Posts that captivate our audience on Instagram and beyond.
  2. Impactful Posters that commands attention both online and in the physical world.
  3. Engaging Roller Banners to be our visual ambassador at local events.
  4. Professional Business Stationery that establish our identity with sleek, branded materials such as business cards, letterhead, etc.
  5. Informative Welcome Booklets to introduce REMIX with flair and clarity.
  6. Dynamic Graphics to propel our cause with motion graphics, telling our story and so much more.


Together, let’s REMIX the narrative of our world!





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Posted on: 16 May 2024
Closed date: 17 May 2024 at 16:21
Tags: Campaigns, Communications, Marketing, Digital