Wildlife Management Volunteer Volunteer Roles in Belfast

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Tir Natur, Remote
Unpaid role, expenses paid
Posted 2 weeks ago Quick Apply
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Unpaid role, expenses paid

Actively Interviewing

This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!

Job description

At Tir Natur we are passionate about our vision of Cymru, where wild nature and communities thrive and ecosystems are restored. We want to buy land to create Wales' largest rewilding project.  This will help meet our aims to advance the improvement and conservation of the physical and natural environment.  Rewilding will restore the natural processes that create resilient ecosystems and enhance biodiversity and bio-abundance.

Tir Natur (Nature’s Land) was established in June 2022 in response to the escalating nature and climate emergencies that we are facing, including loss of biodiversity and extreme weather events. According to the State of Nature Report 2023, 1 in 6 species is now at risk of extinction in Wales with 2% of the 3900 species assessed already lost. Since 1994, Wales has seen a 20% average drop in species abundance, a shocking trend that must be reversed.  The report calls for ‘a rapid increase in rates of both ecosystem restoration and targeted species recovery action’ while acknowledging that the scale of current activity will likely see Wales fall far short. 

We came together to take action as the scale of ambition to implement recovery and climate mitigation work in Wales are not sufficient. Tir Natur will purchase of a large area of land in Cymru to demonstrate the processes involved in large-scale ecosystem restoration.  We will support nature to enhance resilience, enabling it to adapt to current and future challenges including climate change.

We will showcase the cascading benefits of putting nature first, from re-animating natural carbon cycles, to holding water back on the land, protecting communities and farmland downstream, and improving the physical and mental health of society through reconnecting people with wild nature.

We are a growing charity, and we are capturing the imagination of people from a wide range of backgrounds, as can be seen from the runaway success of our recent crowdfunder.  We are united by a conviction that proposed actions are inadequate, that we need to act now, and that Nature cannot wait. 

As a Trustee you will play a key role to ensure that Tir Natur continues to meet its aims and achieves success in its aspirations.  You'll have a shared responsibility with 6-10 fellow board members to play a pivotal role in shaping our strategic direction, ensuring compliance and supporting our CEO.  As Treasurer you’ll ensure our financial affairs are conducted within legal requirements and good practice. You’ll work closely with the chair and trustees to oversee the financial sustainability and development of our charity.

The Board meets 6 times per year which usually take place virtually in the evening (though once or twice per year these will be in person or hybrid meetings for which reasonable expenses will of course be paid).  To undertake the role effectively there will be additional time and involvement required.

We’re ideally looking for volunteers with experience in financial management and a passion for environmental issues.

What you will be doing:

  • Working with volunteers to ensure accurate records are kept of income and expenditure in line with legal regulations (we currently use Xero).
  • Helping us to set an annual budget
  • Being a signatory for cheque payments and reimbursing invoices and expenses
  • Working with volunteers to prepare financial reports
  • Working with accountants to manage accounts submission and independent audit
  • Updating Tir Natur’s Board about our charity finances
  • Being a positive advocate for Tir Natur and encouraging others to support our work

We particularly welcome people from Welsh backgrounds as we want our board to be more representative.

This is an opportunity to be part of this growing movement, to have a lasting impact on the challenges we face with falling biodiversity and a warming climate and to use your skills and knowledge to support the charity.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a trustee.

Application Instructions

Please send us an email outlining why you would like to become a trustee with your CV.
We will then be in touch with further information and next steps, which will include an interview with 2 of our current Trustees. You will be able to meet the rest of the board and the SMT as part of the process.

Posted by
Tir Natur View profile Organisation type Registered Charity
Posted on: 27 December 2024
Closing date: 26 January 2025 at 12:12
Tags: Finance, Accounting, Wildlife